Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Diet for Teenagers Only

“The Diet for Teenagers Only” is written by Barbara Schroeder, a journalist, and Carrie Wiatt. These two women wrote this book for a younger age group. Almost all diets out there are made for adults. This diet gives teenagers the knowledge of how to change there lifestyle to a healthier one. The book gives you so much more than just reading, it has cutouts to show you an example of correct portion sizes. In addition there are 7-day meal plans with recipes and grocery lists. Then there is an exercise program with illustrations. This book is great because there are so many teens who struggle with their weight whether it be too heavy or too thin. The book gives teens the tools too create a lifetime of good choices.

Colon Detox

There are many detox diets and colon detoxes. The difference is that colon detoxes are to make you go more regularly and cleanse your body of any harmful things. While detox diets are used for all sorts of things, most of them just flush out the most fluid possible in just a couple of days. The one colon detox that really seems to work is Dr. Natura’s “The Colonix Intestinal.” This detox is consists of three keys products. The first product is a fiber supplement that cleanses the colon. Then there is an anti-parasite pill called Paranil which helps to get rid of harmful parasites. The third product is a KleriTea which is used to help regulate you and detoxify you. All of these products are to be used together for about three months (the suggested time). The program says that is can be used for people who have excess weight, stomach problems, skins problems and many more.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Abs Diet

“The Abs Diet” is written by David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of Men’s Health Magazine and also Ted Spiker, an assistant professor of journalism at the University of Florida. This is the diet for any person seeking hard, ripped abs. Who wouldn’t want ripped abs in 6 weeks, and if you do then try out this diet. The Abs Diet consists of exercising as least three days a week, and eating the twelve powerful foods to help you with the diet success. The theory on having good abs is that it can help you sleep, stay healthy and so much more. The reason that this diet is successful is that it increases’ your body’s metabolism while burning fat and gaining muscle. This diet mostly is made for men however there is a women’s version of the same thing just some small changes call “The Abs Diet for Women.”